Who Knew?

It turns out that I am a better human being than I may have thought.  Here is a revelation that I found out this past week:

I do not actually wish my rapist dead.

Good to know! Yay, me! More

People You May Know

What do you do when your rapist shows up on your Facebook feed?  Thankfully, mine is not on Facebook.  But his friends are.  His coworkers.  A mutual friend once told me, “Mark says hi! He asks how you are doing?”  That was one of the most triggering things anyone has ever said  to me.  It reminded me that he was still out there, living his life, going to work, chatting with friends.  People were his friends. People who didn’t know what he was.

This video is is very powerful.  Watch with care.  The poet’s bravery shines through.

The accompanying article tells his story.