The Questions of Children


My heart is heavy today after the conversations I was forced to have with the children I teach. I teach in a low-income, racially diverse elementary school just across the border to a large city. My students have various learning disabilities, but they are astute and curious about the world around them.

On Monday, we held a mock election and the children were very excited to be a part of the election hooplah. Many voted for one candidate or the other for childlike reasons…”She’s a girl”, “I like the boy”, “She has a blue jacket on and I like blue.” Others voted based on what they have heard their parents saying. A few voted their own conscience, against how they knew their parents were voting.

As always happens during an election year, my students ask me who I plan to vote for. Of course, I maintain neutrality and tell them that voting is a secret process and you do not need to share your vote with anyone. I never ask who they voted for. This year, their questioning was more insistent and had a greater purpose.

They were attempting to figure out what their place would be in Trump’s America. They were carefully watching the television and they were scared by what they saw. To a child, all of my students confided in me that they did not like Donald Trump and that he scared them. More

The Power of the Pen


You go, Malala!  And you too, my fellow writers!!!

Help Out a Fellow Survivor

Hi there! Today, I have a quick plug and a request. We all have to stand together in this mess. This young woman has made a video to get a scholarship to help her in her schooling. She would like to use her degree to help survivors of rape and sexual abuse. What a great career goal! I had scholarships all through college.  Both of my sons are enjoying large scholarships.  As a parent, I cannot tell you what a Godsend this money is.  A private college can cost over $40,000 a year.  A year!!  And public universities aren’t that far behind.  My youngest son’s “cheap” public university is going to cost almost $20,000 each year.  Follow the link and vote for her video. Let’s give her a hand and help our fellow survivors in the process.

Scholarship Video for Lindsey

(I had to “like” the page on Facebook in order to see it.  You will need a Facebook account to vote, I would imagine)