It’s Important!!


The Obligatory NaNoWriMo Blog Post

So…I’m trying this NaNoWriMo thing again!

In which Aimee loses her mind, yet again.

In which Aimee loses her mind, yet again.

If you’ve been reading for quite some time, you may remember that I NaNo’d two years ago.  It was the first I had ever heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month for those of you who may not know) and I was very excited.  While I did not write the requisite 50,000 words, I did indeed write around 10,000.  I felt pretty darned good about that.

Then the following year, I tried NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month or something like that) where you vow to write a blog post each day throughout the month of November.  This was more successful, and I think I posted 26 posts out of the 30 days.

What I found out doing Nano the first time was that I am totally not prepared to write an actual novel.  So I’m bending the extremely flexible Nano rules this time and writing a collection of short stories.  This suits my writing style better and I feel I will be much more successful.

I won’t go on and on, but keep your eye on the widget in the sidebar.  It should update my wordcount throughout the month.  I’ve got 1800 or so words for this first day.  Anyone care to join me????

Aimee (who you may or may not hear from for the next 30 days!)


Tiny Victories

***Trigger Warning for school violence and shootings***

It’s been a challenging two weeks.  I found triggers in unexpected places and I found that I had the strength to ride them out.

It started with a staff meeting at school.  If you have not been in a school in a while, we have a variety of emergency drills that never existed when I was a child.  In addition to the fire and tornado drills of my childhood, we now have lock-down drills.  These are further subdivided into “internal threat”, “external threat” and the terrifying “imminent threat”.  This is what was being discussed at the meeting.  I have participated in these drills before.  I have taken a group of children and had them hide in a closet sitting in complete silence as we pretend that there is an intruder in the building.  They never bothered me before. More